American Journal of Student Research

Publish with Us

An open-access and peer-reviewed scientific journal for high schoolers and undergraduates.

About the Journal

American Journal of Student Research

The American Journal of Student Research (ISSN: 2996-2218 approved by U.S. Library of Congress) is an online, open-access and peer-reviewed journal for high schoolers and undergraduates. The journal publishes original research and review articles in multiple fields including biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics, computer science, engineering, business, politics and social sciences etc.

The American Journal of Student Research is one of few journals that provides Digital Object Identifier(DOI) for all articles published by high school and undergraduate students. A DOI ensures that each article is permanently archived and can be instantly and reliably located in databases.

It is our mission to inspire and support the next generation of researchers in all fields by evaluating, guiding and publishing their works through this open-access journal. We maintain high standards for publication through PhD-level reviewers and experienced editorial board members. Only high-quality articles that pass the rigorous review will be accepted for publication.

Why Publish With Us?

The American Journal of student Research provides a valuable platform for both high school and undergraduate students from around the world to publish their work. The benefits of our open-access journal include, but are not limited to:

  • Accepted articles are fast-tracked for publication.
  • Each published article is assigned a DOI number, ensuring a reliable way to instantly locate the article in permanent archives.
  • Copyright of the articles is retained by the authors.
  • Published articles are freely available online for everyone to access, read, and download.
  • Published articles gain higher visibility on search engines and major indexing services, increasing the possibility of being highly cited.


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